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Soldier carries the American flag into the sunset. Though he travels alone, he is not forging on for himself but all of us.

No one journeys alone in UpRising

Ephesians 6:10-20

Souled Out: Worship & Word 
Sunday  ..........  10a
UnEarthed Bible Study
Tuesday. .......... 9a-Noon

The Book of Acts and Revolutionaries
Wednesday ONLINE............7:00p -8:00p
Recovering your supernatural boldness

Contact us to enroll

Prophets Progress 
Monday ONLINE............4:00a -5:00p

We are a company of prophetic people gathered to progress
Current study book: Prophet's Handbook by Paula Price

Supernaturally transforming! 

Every study, every debriefing, each prayer group, unfolds the privilege of being in the presence of God. 

We gather expecting to be transformed and equipped to serve our community by advancing the kingdom of God! 


             Join us?  
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